#include// State Machines That Gray Coded Style #define INITIAL 0x00 // bin 0000_0000 #define HOLD 0x01 // bin 0000_0001 #define MIN_SET 0x03 // bin 0000_0011 #define HUR_SET 0x04 // bin 0000_0100 #define CNT_DN 0x07 // bin 0000_0111 #define ALARM 0x06 // bin 0000_0110 #define STOP 0x05 // bin 0000_0101 #define SET_CLOCK 0x08 // bin 0000_1000 unsigned char state; // External Variable Used to Keep State unsigned int set_min; unsigned int set_hour; unsigned char cnt_dn; unsigned char intf; unsigned char ccintf; unsigned char sec; unsigned char length; unsigned char gstate; static unsigned char hour,min,min_base,hour_base; void sr164_set (unsigned char hour, unsigned char min) { unsigned char i,h,m,s; h = hour; m = min; for(i=0;i<16;i++){ if(i<8){ P1OUT &= 0x2F; s = 0x80 & h; if(s){ P1OUT |= 0x80 + 0x20 + 0x0C; }else{ P1OUT &= 0x7F; } h = h * 2; P1OUT |= 0x4C; } else{ P1OUT &= 0x2F; s = 0x80 & m; if(s){ P1OUT |= 0x80 + 0x20 + 0x0C; }else{ P1OUT &= 0x7F; } m = m * 2; P1OUT |= 0x4C; } } } void set_clock(void){ unsigned char lstate; P1IE &=~0x0C; lstate = 0; while ((P1IN & 0x08)==0); while (lstate < 2){ while(lstate == 0){ if(((P1IN & 0x04)==0)){ if(min_base<59){ min_base++; }else{ min_base=0; } min = ((min_base/10) * 16) + (min_base % 10); sr164_set(hour,min); while((P1IN & 0x04)==0); }else if((P1IN & 0x08)==0){ lstate++; } } while ((P1IN & 0x08)==0); P1OUT &=0x2C; while(lstate == 1){ if(((P1IN & 0x04)==0)){ if(hour_base<23){ hour_base++; }else{ hour_base=0; } hour = ((hour_base/10) * 16) + (hour_base % 10); sr164_set(hour,min); while((P1IN & 0x04)==0); }else if((P1IN & 0x08)==0){ lstate++; } } } TACCTL0 |= CCIE; gstate = INITIAL; } void main (void) { volatile unsigned int i,j,m,n,p,q; // Initial Settings cnt_dn = 0; intf = 0; ccintf = 0; sec = 0x00; set_min = 0x00; set_hour = 0x00; length = 0; gstate = INITIAL; //state = INITIAL; // State Machine Initialize // X'tal and Timer Settings WDTCTL = WDTPW + WDTHOLD; // Stop watchdog timer BCSCTL3 |= XCAP_3; // Set X_CAP 12.5pF TACTL = TASSEL_1 + MC_1 + TACLR; // ACLK, up mode, Timer CLR TACCTL0 = CCIE; CCR0 = 0x7FFF; // Set TACCR0 to 16383 // GPIO Settings P1DIR |= 0xF3; // Set LED Port Output P1IE |= 0x0C; // P1.3, P1.4 Interrupt Enable P1IES |= 0x0C; // P1.3, P1.4 Fall Edge Interrupt Enable P1IFG &= ~0x0C; // P1 Interrupt state Cleared P1OUT=0xEF; // When X'tal OSC is fault, Red LED Blink while (BCSCTL3 & LFXT1OF) { // Blink LED and Buzzer for(j=80;j>0;j--){ P1OUT ^= 0x03; for(i=63;i>0;i--){;} } } /* Assign Slow Clock to System Clock */ BCSCTL2 |= SELM_3 + SELS; // MCLK and SMCLK assigned to CPU and Peripheral Clock _BIS_SR(LPM3_bits - CPUOFF + GIE); P1OUT &= 0xAC; P1OUT |= 0x2C; sr164_set(0xFF, 0xFF); // sr164_set(0x00,0x00); hour = 0x00; min = 0x00; hour_base = 0; min_base = 0; i = 0; while(1){ if(ccintf==1){ ccintf=0; if(((P1IN & 0x08)==0) && (length < 3)){ length++; }else if(length > 2){ length = 0; gstate = SET_CLOCK; }else if(P1IN & 0x08){ length = 0; } if(intf>0){ if(sec & 0x0001){P1OUT &= 0xAC;} else if(~(sec & 0x0001)){P1OUT |= 0x2F;} } if(gstate == SET_CLOCK){ P1OUT |=0x2F; set_clock(); }else if((cnt_dn>0) && (sec==0)){ sr164_set(hour,min); cnt_dn--; }else if(cnt_dn == 0){ sr164_set(0xFF,0xFF); P1OUT &= 0xAC; intf=0; P1IE |= 0x0C; } } if((TAR & 0xFFFF)!=0){ TACCTL0 |= CCIE; } if(intf==1){ sr164_set(hour,min); intf = 2; } } } #pragma vector=PORT1_VECTOR __interrupt void Port_1(void){ volatile unsigned int i,j; P1IE &=~0x0C; if(~(P1IFG & 0x08)|~(P1IFG & 0x04)){ P1IFG &= ~0x0C; cnt_dn = 3; intf = 1; } } #pragma vector=TIMERA0_VECTOR __interrupt void Timer_A(void){ TACCTL0 &= ~CCIE; TACCTL0 &= ~CCIFG; if(sec<59){ sec++; }else{ sec=0; if(min_base<59){ min_base++; }else{ min_base=0; if(hour_base<23){ hour_base++; }else{ hour_base=0; } } } // sr164_set(0xFF,sec); min = ((min_base/10) * 16) + (min_base % 10); hour = ((hour_base/10) * 16) + (hour_base % 10); ccintf = 1; }